Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back to front Jumper

I notice as I clean my teeth that my jumper is on the wrong way around. It's a really nice maroon and grey stripe number I picked up at a charity shop a few weeks ago, and the thriftyness appeals to me, in line with this new austerity . I am impressed by the zen-like purity of just appreciating the garment as it is, not how some preconception makes me think it should be (my father's favourite zen lesson is the matchbox to hat tale about a monk who changes the object according to how he uses it). This however is of little general interest to the wider public, I think. I'm sure, in fact. However having spent weeks in therapy, I have established that it's not self important or selfish to languish in self declaration, and so I go over the jumper situation in my head a few more times. As an artist, I constantly struggle with the belief in oneself, against the egoist notion of self importance that is essential to any success in a field of solo artistry. I don't like selfish people, can't stand people going on about their plight, yet isn't that exactly what an artist does for a living?

I finally comfort myself with the notion that many years from now, should a digital archaeologist unearth the musings contained herein, whilst studying the canon of my work and its relevance to early 21st Century society (resist the urge to confine my output to irrelevance and have the faith that yes my output is not just relevant but essential) might find the context that these 'self important' give. Think Samuel Pepys, I keep telling myself. And here we are, jumpers on back to front and all.

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