Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bird update

Bird is roosting happily on the windowsill on a bag of seed. likes listening to music. doesnt poo much.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

in other news

i stole a baby collar dove off the street yesterday. its living in my studio now. i bought it some seeds but its not drinking

three cliffs bay whales

Reminding myself of behance or ffffound with this nerdy tweaked photograph. It is more of a memory than a visual.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Record Scans

Eat your heart out, yellow submarine :)

Record Scans

Among the many artefacts I keep unearthing from packing boxes, are a selection o my old records- not the ones I collected mindlessly throughout the 90's, but earlier bits and stuff from childhood. I decided to scan some very beautiful examples that were passed to me by my father. His love of trad, after drilled instruction, has indeed passed on to me...