Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Notes to self

Chewed through this tought train whilst out running with the dog this morning: Twitter/facebook have a noise to signal ratio- lots of noise generally. few interesting informations. I used to keep a dgital scrapbook. then it became easier just to keep delicious- this is only possible because files are no longer deleted so links never die like they used to, therefore no need to store anything- another example of generally moving towards cloud culture. However, we are soon arriving at the infinite library- (www) that only grows, never diminishes. From this comes the information politic that it's never worth holding onto a piece of information (a picture, a scrap, a quote, a song) as there are always more, new informatiae out there (ooh, just made that word up- like it. 'informatiae' TM ©®) so its easier to find new than to keep anything old. From this comes two rival camps- those in favour of perpetual learning (an given the infinite library, rejection of any infomation possesion) and those in favour of preserving information (a limited finite library of possessed knowlege) Thus we are arriving at Jorge Luis Borges library of Babel. Thus the parables of truth become part of the library. experience and knowlege itself becomes a tribal belief.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

diggin fru de archives

more photo's taken whilst back in China- this time Anhui province.. Jing Da Zhen, where the air hangs thick with the dust of the porcelain which makes the town famous...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

routine enjoyment

Yesterday I performed more or less the same routine as the one I completed today- it started with a dog walk, with breakfast- meandered through work of various disparate and unimportant kinds, celebrated the arrival of my wife from a hard days work and culminated in watching  a film. However yesterday I was left feeling agitated, snappy and I was unjust and sharp to the kids. Today however, each particular episode that has partitioned the day has been a pleasure to both expend and reflect on. And there is absolutely no reason why.

Gosh, life aint half fantastic. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Flaming Monolith

From a previous series, just thinking again abou the symbolic implications of a flaming monolith

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Parables of Truth: A Journey Alone

This story tells of a small boy who sets out on a long journey that takes him from familiar territory through wild woods and strange lands. The boy learns a lot about himself and the world around him, by narrating the whole journey as a story to and about himself entirely in the third person

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Fot the Parables of Truth series-  a wild pony.

Just a distant memory

Despite the radiant beauty of this year's spring, I have, for the first time ever possiby, enjoyed the bleak winter months as a season in their own right. A lot of it was recognising the beauty in silouettes that I had never noticed while living in this country before.